Tuesday, April 15, 2014

An Introduction

The King and I at my heavy Authorization This past March
This Blog will be about my life in the SCA (Society For Creative Anachronism). I have been in the SCA for many many years and am an authorized fighter fighter in both heavy and rapier fighting.

The SCA is a bunch of people all over the world working together to re create the middle ages which range from 600 to 1600 time period.

We have a lot of people who do Arts and sciences type stuff like making what we wear (called garb), different foods, scrolls and other fun Items. We also have the Rapier and Heavy fighters. In Rapier we fight with dull blades and daggers as well as parry devices. We play in a lot of touraments and melees which are a lot of fun. The armor required for Rapier is neck protection (called a gorget), a fencing mask, gloves and the body must be covered by puncture resistant material. The reason for this is in case a blade breaks we have taken all the precautions not to get hurt.
In Heavy fighting we fight with sticks of Rattan that are 1 1/4" thick.  For this armor we are required to have Neck protection(gorget), helms shall be constructed from steel which has a thickness of no less than .0625 (that is, 1/16) inch (1.6 mm), or of equivalent material,, kidney protection (like a kidney Belt), Groin protection for both male and females (females are not allowed to wear a male cup), Hand and wrist armor, Elbows and knees must be protected.

In both fighting styles there are "illegal" target areas. In heavy Its 2" above and below any joint and the lower legs. In rapier You cannot stab someone in the back. Instead if you want to kill from behind you must lay your blade on their shoulder and say loud enough they can hear " My Lord (or Lady) You are Dead From Behind"

There are many aspects to the SCA that even I have not fully explored. We do have Equestrian events and Hound Coursing. I am hoping to get into some A&S type things here soon.
Miribi and Azriel fighting rapier last October

If you have any questions Dont hesitate to ask.

Also here is a website to look into the SCA More

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